Davies Financial

Real Estate Round Table

What do you call it when you gather a financial advisor, a lawyer, a real estate agent, and two mortgage brokers in a room and give them a microphone? 

Answer: An informative podcast that can help empower you if you are buying or selling a home. 

Navigating the real estate market is no joke, especially with the ever-changing climate of interest rates, mortgage rules, affordability, inflation, and post-pandemic recovery. Luckily, we’ve assembled a dream team of real estate professionals to provide a comprehensive view from start to closing and beyond. 

The Roster Includes: 

Expect laughter, banter, and plenty of “aha” moments as our experts share their real-life experiences, tips, and practical advice in this roundtable discussion. 

Grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and let’s talk real estate! 

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